XC Fundraising

Dear Waconia XC Parents, Guardians & Fans,

Oh the dreaded word of all activities within a public school system…the Fundraiser! Well folks, years ago the Waconia XC program completely dropped the “door to door” type of sales campaign. Local families, businesses and community members are constantly bombarded with frozen pizzas, gas cards, candy bars, etc etc etc…these items are usually grossly overpriced and only 25 to 50% of revenue actually gets back to the program. We do everything through donations…from our families and proceeds from our annual Haunted Hustle 5K. If you would like to make a donation please use the following 2 formats.

#1 - Venmo…coach Genz track all of our donations & uses a venmo account for ALL online donations. Note: venmo account details pictured below

#2 - Cash/Check…please send donations to practice in a sealed envelope and deliver it to coach Gilbert….make check payable to “Waconia Cross Country”

WE DO NOT Track Donations by family…a list of donators will NEVER be posted, but we encourage all families to help with the burden in any way! (Avg. Per Athlete donation $25 to $30)

2024 Funding Needs

#1 - Coaching Stipend…we did loose 2 FULL TIME district coaching contracts due to the recent budget cuts and move is really hard on our team atmosphere, but we all need to cut in order to help get our district back on track…we will be fulfilling one position through donations and the 2nd position has been cut.

#2 - Team Race Day Snacks…WacXC does provide a small variety of snacks/treats at team camp post racing for ALL our athletes to help recover after races.

#3 - Freezie Fridays…a fav tradition of our athletes after a long week of WORK WORK WORK…just ask your kid how much they enjoy their Freezie after practice on Fridays #BAM